Physics Study Material बिभाग ‘ख’ Shared By R. Agarwal
Physics Study Material बिभाग ‘क’ on This is the page where we are deal with Physics Study Material For Maharashtra Recruitment Exam. Every questions come from various source i.e. Mechanics and Properties Matter; Heat; Wave Motion; Electromagnetic Radiation; Light; Sound; Magnetism; Static Electricity; Current Electricity; Atomic Physics; Nuclear Physics; Astronomy and Space; Computer Science; and General. यह पेज ओह सब स्टूडेंट के लिए है, जो नौकरी की तलाश में हैं और भारती परिक्षा दिने के लिए इच्छुक हैं। is totally mobile friendly site. So subscribe Us and get important updates alert in just a second. There is no need to pay any of money to us for subscribe. If you found any of error please contact us.
Study Material: Physics बिभाग ‘क’
- When a pencil is partly immersed in water in a slanting position, the immersed portion appears
(1) Bent towards the bottom
(2) Bent towards the bottom
(3) Bent in a zigzag manner
(4) Curved downward
Ans:- (2) Bent towards the bottom
- The sun remains visible for some time after it actually sets below the horizon. This happens due to
(1) Atmospheric refraction
(2) Scattering of light
(3) Dispersion
(4) Persistence of vision
Ans:- (1) Atmospheric refraction
- The Sun and moon appear elliptical near the horizon due to
(1) Optical illusion
(2) Interference
(3) Refraction
(4) Actual change in shapes
Ans:- (3) Refraction
- The twinkling of stars can be partly attributed to
(1) Intermittent shining
(2) Convection currents in the atmosphere
(3) Atmosphere refraction
(4) The unstable motion of the earth
Ans:- (3) Atmosphere refraction
- Planets do not twinkle because
(1) They emit light continuously
(2) They are luminous sources of light
(3) They are nearer to us and therefore their light does not pass through the atmosphere
(4) They are nearer to us and therefore minor variations in their intensity: are not noticeable
Ans:- (4) They are nearer to us and therefore minor variations in their intensity: are not noticeable
- When white light passes through a glass prism, it gets dispersed into colours because
(1) glass imparts colours to the light
(2) Different colours have different speeds in glass
(3) Interference of light occurs
(4) Diffraction of light occurs
Ans:- (2) Different colours have different speeds in glass
- Which part of the camera is analogous to the retina in the human eye
(1) lens
(2) Film
(3) Aperture
(4) Shutter
Ans:- (2) Film
- When a person enters a dark room from bright light, he is not able to see clearly for a little while because the
(1) Eye is unable to adjust itself immediately
(2) Retina becomes insensitive momentarily
(3) Iris is unable to dilate the pupil immediately
(4) Distance between the lens and retina takes time to adjust
Ans:- (3) Iris is unable to dilate the pupil immediately
- The accommodation of the eye is produced by
(1) Change in the size of the pupil
(2) Contraction of the iris
(3) The ciliary muscles
(4) The forward movement of the retina
Ans:- (3) The ciliary muscles
- In old age, people have to wear spectacles for reading and writing because
(1) Their eye lenses become weak
(2) They lose the power of accommodation
(3) Their eyeballs become too short
(4) Their eye-lenses lose their magnifying power
Ans:- (2) They lose the power of accommodation
- The sky appears blue because
(1) It is actually blue
(2) The atmosphere scatters blue colours more than the other
(3) All colours interfere blue colours more than the others
(4) In white light the blue component dominates
Ans:- (2) The atmosphere scatters blue colours more than the other
- The sun appears deep orange-red before it sets because
(1) It is hotter at the end of the day
(2) It contains more helium in the evening
(3) It emits only oranges-red light
(4) Its light has to traverse a thicker atmosphere, therefore, other colours get scattered and do not reach us
Ans:- (4) Its light has to traverse a thicker atmosphere, therefore, other colours get scattered and do not reach us
- Soap bubbles show multiple colours when viewed in white light because of
(1) the scattering of light by thin films
(2) the interference of the reflected light
(3) The dispersion of light
(4) The characteristic colours of soap solution
Ans:- (2) the interference of the reflected light
- The technique of recording and reproducing three dimensional images of objects is known as
(1) Autography
(2) Lexicography
(3) Holography
(4) Photography
Ans:- (3) Holography
- Thunder is heard much after a flash of lightning is seen because
(1) Thunder is produced much later
(2) Clouds obstruct sound waves
(3) Light can travel through vacuum but sound can-not
(4) Light travel much faster than sound
Ans:- (4) Light travel much faster than sound
- Echoes are produced due to
(1) Reflection of sound
(2) Refraction of sound
(3) Distraction of sound
(4) Polarization of sound
Ans:- (1) Reflection of sound
- A clearly separate echo of a sound is heard when the minimum distance of the reflecting surface from the source of sound is
(1) 10 m
(2) 17 m
(3) 34 m
(4) 100 m
Ans:- (2) 17 m
- The walls and ceiling of van auditorium are covered with fibrous material, such as glass fiber, to
(1) beautify the auditorium
(2) reduce the vcost of construvtion
(3) Make the auditorium fire-proof
(4) Absorb sound and prevent echoes.
Ans:- (4) Absorb sound and prevent echoes.
- Bats can fly in the dark because
(1) They have a better vision in the dark
(2) The pupils of their eyes are very big
(3) They are guided by ultrasonic waves produced by them
(4) Any bird can do so
Ans:- (3) They are guided by ultrasonic waves produced by them
- A police van sounding its soren is moving away from an observer. The pitch of the sound from the siren relative to its normal pitch is
(1) Lower
(2) Same
(3) Higher
(4) Lower or higher depending on the speed of the van
Ans:- (1) Lower
- If a bar magnet, tied in the middle with a thread, were suspended at the north pole of the earth, it would take
(1) A horizontal position
(2) A nearly vertical position with its north pole pointing downward
(4) A vertical position with its south pole pointing downward
(4) A slanting position
Ans:- (2) A nearly vertical position with its north pole pointing downward
- A capacitor is used in an electrical circuit to
(1) Step down voltage
(2) Step up voltage
(3) Store electric charge
(4) Produce electric charge
Ans:- (3) Store electric charge
- Which of the following would be most suitable for making an electromagnet?
(1) fan
(2) Telephone receiver
(3) Carbon microphone
(4) Dynamo
Ans:- (3) Carbon microphone
- Which of the following uses the attractive force on soft iron?
(1) Carbon microphone
(2) Telephone receiver
(3) Simple motor
(4) Dynamo
Ans:- (2) Telephone receiver
- Nichrome wire used as a heating element in many appliances because
(1) It can be drawn out into wires easily
(2) It has high resistivity
(3) It resists oxidation in air when red hot
(4) Both (b) and (c) are correct
Ans:- (4) Both (b) and (c) are correct
- The starting current of an electric motor is the current flowing after the motor reaches its normal running speed.
(1) Nearly equal to
(2) Exactly equal to
(3) Less then
(4) Much greater than
Ans:- (4) Much greater than
- Energy conversions taking place in a microphone are.
(1) Sound to mechanical to electrical
(2) Electrical to mechanical to sound
(3) Sound to mechanical
(4) Mechanical to sound
Ans:- (1) Sound to mechanical to electrical
- In our houses we get 220 V ac. The value 220 represents
(1) Constant voltage
(2) Effective voltage
(3) Average voltage
(4) Peak voltage
Ans:- (2) Effective voltage
- The advantage of ac over dc is that
(1) It contains of ac electrical energy
(2) It is free from voltage fluctuations
(3) Its generation costs much less
(4) It can be transmitted over long distance with minimum power loss
Ans:- (4) It can be transmitted over long distance with minimum power loss
- The function of fuse in an electrical circuit is
(1) To avoid electric shocks
(2) To regulate electric shocks
(3) To break the circuit in case of overloading or short-circuiting
(4) None of these
Ans:- (3) To break the circuit in case of overloading or short-circuiting
- One should not connect a number of electrical appliances to the same power socket because
(1) This can damage the appliances
(2) This can damage the domestic wiring due to overheating
(3) The appliances will not get full voltage
(4) The appliances is earthed to
Ans:- (2) This can damage the domestic wiring due to overheating
- The filament of an electric lamp becomes white hot but the lead-in wires holding the filament are only slightly heated because they
(1) Have smaller current passing through them
(2) Have very low resistance
(3) Have higher melting point
(4) Are made of black iron
Ans:- (2) Have very low resistance
- Air is completely removed from an electric bulb to prevent
(1) Oxidation of tungsten filament
(2) Bursting of the bulb
(3) Loss of light due absorption
(4) None of these
Ans:- (1) Oxidation of tungsten filament
- Assertion : When an electric bulb is switched on, the resistance of its tungsten filament increases.
Reason: The resistance of pure metals increases on heating
(1) A and R are correct, and R explains A
(2) A and R are correct, but R not explain A
(3) A is right, R is wrong
(4) A and R are both wrong
Ans:- (1) A and R are correct, and R explains A
- When an electric bulb breaks, there is a mild bang due to
(1) the chemical reaction the enclosed gases
(2) the compressed gases rushing out suddenly
(3) the air rushing in to fill the evacuated space
(4) some other reason
Ans:- (3) the air rushing in to fill the evacuated space
- A common fluorescent tube contains
(1) sodium vapour
(2) argon at low pressure
(3) mercury vapour at low pressure
(4) mercuric oxide and neon
Ans:- (3) mercury vapour at low pressure
- The force between two protons is
(1) always repuilsive
(2) always attractive
(3) attractive or repulsive depending on the distance between them
(4) always zero
Ans:- (3) attractive or repulsive depending on the distance between them
- Gamma radiations are used for
(1) sterilizing foodstuff
(2) controlling pests
(3) cancer therapy
(4) all these
Ans:- (4) all these
- Radio isotopes are
(1) isotopes that are radioactive
(2) Some nuclei which emit radio waves
(3) Isotopes used in radio sets
(4) None of these
Ans:- (1) isotopes that are radioactive
- The age of the earth can estimated by
(1) Uranium dating
(2) Carbon dating
(3) Atomic clocks
(4) Biological clocks
Ans:- (1) Uranium dating
- The process of the splitting up of a heavy nucleus into roughly two equal fragments with the emission of energy is called
(1) Transmutation
(2) fission
(3) Fusion
(4) Implosion
Ans:- (2) fission
- Enriched uranium means uranium that has been enriched in isotope
(1) Uranium-233
(2) Uranium- 235
(3) Uranium- 238
(4) Uranium- 239
Ans:- (2) Uranium- 235
- The function of a moderator in a nuclear reactor is
(1) to moderate the number of secondary neutrons
(2) to slow down the secondary neutrons
(3) to increase the number of fissile nuclei
(4) to control the fission reaction
Ans:- (2) to slow down the secondary neutrons
- A breeder reactor is that which
(1) produces more fissionable material than it burns
(2) does not require fissionable material at all
(3) uses only heavy water
(4) none of these
Ans:- (1) produces more fissionable material than it burns
- The enormous energy released in an atomic explosion is due to the
(1) Conversion of mass into energy
(2) Conversion of chemical energy into energy
(3) conversion of mechanical energy into nuclear energy
(4) conversion of neutrons into protons
Ans:- (1) Conversion of mass into energy
- The process by which energy is generated in the sun is the
(1) fission of uranium
(2) fusion of helium
(3) fusion of hydrogen
(4) combination of sall these processes
Ans:- (3) fusion of hydrogen
- Which of the following are Einstein’s discoveries?
(1) Photoelectric effect and X-rays
(2) Radioactivity and the theory of relativity
(3) Photoelectric effect and the theory of relativity
(4) radioactivity and X-rays
Ans:- (3) Photoelectric effect and the theory of relativity
- The unit of astronomi9cal distance is the
(1) Angstrom
(2) Kilometer
(3) Nautical mile
(4) light yaer
Ans:- (4) light yaer
- The astronomical unit (AU) is the
(1) Mean distance from the centre of the sun to the centre of the earth
(2) Mean distance between the surfaces of the sun to the surface of the earth
(3) Maximum distance between the sun and the earth
(4) Minimum distance between the sun and the earth
Ans:- (1) Mean distance from the centre of the sun to the centre of the earth
- The solar system belongs to the galaxy caused
(1) Andromeda nebula
(2) Milky Way
(3) Radiogalaxy
(3) Magellanic cloud
Ans:- (2) Milky Way
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