Phone Interview

-:Phone Interview Tips:-

-:फोन साक्षात्कार युक्तियाँ:-

Telephonic interview plays a crucial role to get a call for a face to face interview. Now a days,recruiter calls to a candidate who are interested in doing job to find out that the candidate have a real potential to get a call for further interview process or not. So always be ready after applying a job.They can call you anytime and ask you to have a few moments to talk with you.When you have attended that call keep your mind fresh and focus what they want to know from you. If they are asking some questions related the post you have applied for answer it correctly.Also don’t forget to know the name of the caller and note down every essential things during or after the conversation.

There are three types of phone call interview-

  1. You collect the information about the current vacancy of a company and therefore you call to a HR recruiter for a job.
  2. A company calls you based upon you have applied to that company before for a job.
  3. Lastly, company gives you a time to conduct a telephonic interview.

Some tips for attending a phone call interview-

  1. Be ready all the time
    -> You have to do several things before you get a call from the recruiter:

A. Keep all the documents related to your work and qualifications with you so that you can provide them with the correct information about you.

B. Attach a copy of your resume to the wall of your room, it can help you anytime.

C. Also keep a pen and a notepad always with you to take notes,like name,address,time of interview etc.


If a telephonic interview will occur at a specific time or you are already informed about the interview time then-

A. Keep your mobile fully charged and turn off call waiting service on your phone.

B. Choose a place where nobody can disturb you during the interview.

C. Take a glass of water with you and warm up your voice.

D. Turn off your stereo,tv,radio and make an environment of noiseless place.
2. Do not miss to take the interview call
-> first process of recruitment is now a telephonic interview, so do not miss or be afraid to take the call.Ask the name gently of the recruiter and use the name or use Sir/Madam in your response to him/her. If you are outside of your home and you are not in a situation to take call then just receive it and ask the recruiter for a phone number so that you can call back to her/him when you get free.It makes a good impression.

3. Before you talk, listen them carefully
-> During the interview try to be a good listener first.Do not interrupt them while they are talking to you.Let them to finish their talk then its your turn. Listen to them carefully and help them to end their sentence.Don’t be rush to ask something.

4. At the time of interview
-> A. Use smile while you are talking to them. It creates a positive impression to the listener.

B. Clarify the role of the post what you are interviewing for.

C. Be in a place which is noise free,pleasant and you can access your job related stuff.

D. If you have not enough time for interview then ask another time to call the recruiter.

E. Don’t make a big answer to them, try to keep your answer short and specific.

F. Make sure that you can listen to the recruiter and he/she can hear your voice clearly during the interview.

G. Do not travel a place where your phone network get a weak signal.

H. Do not smoke or chew gum or eat or drink during the interview.

I. Do not make an argument with the recruiter or talk in a rough voice.

J. If you get a caugh then to avoid this behaviors, just say ‘Excuse me’.
5. Keep your necessary documents ready
-> The real advantage of the telephonic interview is they cannot see you during the interview. So feel free and don’t feel nervous. Arrange the documents about your qualifications, resume so that you can access them very easily without wasting any time.

6. Focus on your strength
-> While interviewing stay focused by using your strong points to them.Avoid your weaknesses during describing your background. Always remember this is the preliminary stage to get a call for face to face interview.They will select who have potentials.

7.Confirm with confidence
-> You will get a call and they can ask you that your resume is short-listed and they want a confirmation from you. Before you speck,tap your voice and start with a smile. Show your interest about the job in your confident talk to them.

8. Rehearse your answer
-> Practice the frequent asked questions all aloud therefore you can remember it during the conversation.Even the tricky questions like ‘salary expectation’,’What is very important to you money or job’ etc.

9. Know your next step
-> After completion of the interview, ask the interviewer that you are interested and what will be your next move. If he/she do not show any interest in you then try to clarify the problem.

10. After the interview
-> Do not forget to say ‘Thank you sir/madam’ to the recruiter at the end of the conversation. Also make a note about the interview like where you need improvements,where you have mistaken something etc.

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