Solapur Zilla Parishad Set One Question Papers with Answer Key

  1. A 55 year old patient on treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis with Rifampicin, Ionized, Pyrazinamide and Ethambutol complain of pain in large and small joints. Which one of the following investigations will you order?

(a) Serum creatinine

(b) Serum amylase


(d) Serum uric acid

Ans:-  (d) Serum uric acid

  1. The following diseases can cause bullous lesions in the skin EXCEPT:

(a) Pemphigus

(b) Impetigo

(c) Toxic epidermal necrolysis

(d) Pityriasis rosea

Ans:-  (d) Pityriasis rosea

  1. Which of the following disorder is autosomal recessive?

(a) Cystic fibrosis

(b) Nail-patella syndrome

(c) Myotonic dystrophy

(d) Huntington disease

Ans:-  (a) Cystic fibrosis

  1. Which one of the following is the most appropriate treatment for overdose aspirin ingestion?

(a) Acetazolamide

(b) Sodium bicarbonate

(c) Allopurinol

(d) N-acetyl-cysteine

Ans:-  (b) Sodium bicarbonate

  1. Killer T cells which are responsible for defence against intracellular pathogen are expressed by which of the following CD phenotypes?

(a) CD 2

(b) CD 5

(c) CD 8

(d) CD 10

Ans:-  (c) CD 8

  1. Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy is approved in the following conditions EXCEPT:

(a) Kawasaki disease

(b) Severe rheumatoid arthritis

(c) Guillain Barre syndrome

(d) Dermatomyositis

Ans:-  (b) Severe rheumatoid arthritis

  1. Which of the following does NOT cause small vessel vasculitis?

(a) Churg Strauss Syndrome

(b) Henoch-Schonlein purpura

(c) Kawasaki disease

(d) Granulomatosis with polyangiitis

Ans:-  (c) Kawasaki disease

  1. Most common cells in peripheral blood smear of chronic myeloid leukemia are:

(a) Myeloblasts

(b) Promyelocytes

(c) Metamyelocytes

(d) Neutrophils

Ans:-  (d) Neutrophils

  1. Consider the following statements about infective endocarditis:
  2. Modified Duke criteria are used for clinical diagnosis
  3. Echocardiographic findings form one of the major Duke criteria
  4. Presence of one major and two minor criteria is considered as diagnostic of endocarditis
  5. Presence of glomerulonephritis is a minor Duke criterion

Which of the statements given above are correct?

(a) 1, 2 and 3 only

(b) 1, 2 and 4 only

(c) 3 and 4 only

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans:-  (b) 1, 2 and 4 only


  1. A 16 year old had an acute episode of dyspnoea, wheezing and coughing during early morning hours. The episode resolved spontaneously. What is the likely diagnosis?

(a) Pulmonary oedema

(b) Asthma

(c) Panic attack

(d) Pneumonia

Ans:-  (b) Asthma

  1. An elderly patient had cerebrovascular accident which was diagnosed as ischaemic in nature. Which of the following is a contraindication for thrombolysis?
  2. Onset of symptoms to time of drug administration is ≤ 4.5 hours
  3. Gastrointestinal bleeding in preceding 21 days

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Ans:-  (b) 2 only

  1. Consider the following insulin preparations:
  2. Aspart
  3. Glulisine
  4. Detemir
  5. Regular

Which of the above are considered short acting insulin?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 3 and 4 only

(c) 1, 2 and 4 only

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans:-  (c) 1, 2 and 4 only

  1. A middle aged male known smoker presented with recurrent sinusitis, haemoptysis, haematuria, arthralgia and palpable purpura. What is the most likely diagnosis?

(a) Wegener granulomatosis

(b) Goodpasture syndrome

(c) Polyarteritis nodosa

(d) Systemic lupus erythematosus

Ans:- (a) Wegener granulomatosis

  1. A patient presents with diarrhoea, steatorrhea and weight loss. Which of the following diseases is LEAST possible?

(a) Whipple disease

(b) Tropical sprue

(c) Celiac disease

(d) Menetrier disease

Ans:-  (d) Menetrier disease

  1. Consider the following statements regarding post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN) :
  2. Immunosuppressive therapy is effective
  3. PSGN develops one to three weeks after streptococcal pharyngitis
  4. PSGN develops two to six weeks after impetigo
  5. The classic presentation is acute nephritis

Which of the statements given above are correct?

(a) 1, 2 and 3 only

(b) 2, 3 and 4 only

(c) 1 and 4 only

(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ans:-  (b) 2, 3 and 4 only

  1. A patient with long term implantable cardioverter defibrillator device developed neck and facial swelling, hoarseness of voice, nasal congestion, dysphagia and haemoptysis.The facial swelling increased on supine position. This patient most likely


(a) Cardiac tamponade

(b) Intracardiac thrombosis

(c) Superior vena cava obstruction

(d) Pulmonary thromboembolism

Ans:-  (c) Superior vena cava obstruction

  1. A patient of AIDS developed ophthalmoplegia, ataxia and global confusion. He is likely to have the deficiency of:

(a) Biotin

(b) Niacin

(c) Pyridoxine

(d) Thiamine

Ans:-  (d) Thiamine

  1. An elderly male presents with persistent productive cough with large volume purulent sputum production. He has had several episodes in the past. He also had digital clubbing. He is a case of:

(a) Empyema

(b) Bronchiectasis

(c) Bronchopneumonia

(d) Necrotising pneumonia

Ans:-  (b) Bronchiectasis

  1. A chemical factory worker has acute onset dyspnoea with fever, chills, and malaise,following a few hours of exposure to a new chemical. These symptoms resolve in four to five days after removal from exposure. He is likely to have:

(a) Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

(b) Atypical pneumonia

(c) Cryptogenic organising pneumonia

(d) Non-specific interstitial pneumonia

Ans:- (a) Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

  1. A 25 year old man presents with nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea with crampy abdominal pain. He gives history of consumption of rice preparation in his last meal. What is the likely organism causing the above complaints?

(a) Clostridium perfringens

(b) Bacillus cereus

(c) Staphylococcus aureus

(d) Campylobacter jejuni

Ans:-   (b) Bacillus cereus

  1. A five year old child was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, 18 months back. He was treated and successfully went into remission at that time. Following, the initialepisode, the child has had 3 relapses, each of which was successfully treated with oral prednisolone (60mg/m2/24h) until remission, followed by 40mg/m2 single dose, alternate days for four weeks. What is the diagnosis?

(a) Nephrotic syndrome, infrequent relapses

(b) Nephrotic syndrome, frequent relapses

(c) Nephrotic syndrome, steroid dependent

(d) Nephrotic syndrome, steroid resistant

Ans:-  (a) Nephrotic syndrome, infrequent relapses

  1. A 7 year old girl presents to you with non-specific abdominal pain, mild abdominal distension, and not growing well. The child weighs 14 kg and height is 95 cm. Systemic examination is normal. The haemoglobin was 7.5 g/dL (microcytic hypochromic RBCs) and has not responded to iron therapy. Which of the following will be the first investigation you will like to do for diagnosing the condition?

(a) Bone marrow aspiration

(b) Tissue transglutaminase antibodies

(c) Lower GI contrast examination

(d) Colonoscopy/sigmoidoscopy


Ans:-  (b) Tissue transglutaminase antibodies


  1. A seven year old boy weighing 20 kg presented with bleeding from upper GI tract (haemetemasis) for last 18 hours. On examination, PR-86/m, RR-16/m and BP-100/70 mmHg; and spleen is palpable 5 cm below costal margin. There is no other abnormality. Liver function tests are normal. What is the next best step in management?


(a) Fluid resuscitation with crystalloids

(b) Intravenous vasopressin

(c) Intravenous propranolol

(d) Transdermal nitroglycerine


Ans:-  (b) Intravenous vasopressin


  1. A seven year old girl presents in emergency room with hypertension, lethargy, headache, seizures, and visual disturbances. Fundus examination reveals haemorrhages and exudates. Which of the following treatment regimen will be the most appropriate for this child?

(a) Sublingual nifedipine

(b) Intravenous labetalol infusion

(c) Intravenous minoxidil

(d) Furosemide


Ans:- (b) Intravenous labetalol infusion


  1. On routine newborn screening at day 3 of life, the baby was found to have TSH level 40mU/L. What should be the next step?

(a) Repeat thyroid profile within one week

(b) Start child on thyroxine immediately

(c) Repeat thyroid profile after four weeks

(d) Repeat thyroid profile/ start thyroxine, if the child has clinical features of congenital hypothyroidism, otherwise wait and watch


Ans:- (a) Repeat thyroid profile within one week


  1. A five year old girl is brought to you with history of fever for seven days associated with rash, anorexia, myalgia and petechial haemorrhages. Which of the following investigations will be most appropriate for making a diagnosis of dengue fever?


(a) Detection of NS1 antigen

(b) Platelet count

(c) IgG capture ELISA

(d) Detection of IgM antibodies for dengue


Ans:-  (d) Detection of IgM antibodies for dengue


  1. An eight year old boy was diagnosed to have P.vivax malaria and was treated with appropriate dosages of chloroquine. The fever subsided but recurred after 3 weeks. Peripheral smear was again positive for P.vivax. This child should now be treated as a case with

(a) Relapse

(b) Recrudescence

(c) Either relapse/recrudescence

(d) Fresh infection


Ans:-  (c) Either relapse/recrudescence


  1. A two day old neonate is brought with cyanosis, single second heart sound, and pansystolic murmur on the left sternal border. ECG reveals left axis deviation, right atrial overload and left ventricular hypertrophy. What is the most likely diagnosis?


(a) Tetrology of Fallot

(b) Tricuspid atresia

(c) Transposition of great arteries

(d) Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection


Ans:-  (b) Tricuspid atresia


  1. A three year old girl is brought with complaint of not being able to ever stand or walk. She achieved head control at one year of age. Examination reveals generalised hypotonia, brisk knee jerk, and ankle clonus. What is the likely diagnosis?

(a) Cerebral palsy

(b) Spinal muscular atrophy

(c) Congenital hypothyroidism

(d) Congenital myotonic dystrophy


Ans:-  (a) Cerebral palsy


  1. A child presents with sensations of itching, burning and a probable foreign body beneath the eyelids. Examination reveals photophobia, large oval follicles within the conjunctiva and preauricular adenopathy. The most likely diagnosis is:


(a) Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis

(b) Vernal conjunctivitis

(c) Trachomatous conjunctivitis

(d) Phlyctenular conjunctivitis


Ans:-  (a) Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis


  1. A seven year old boy presents with acute onset of mild intermittent pain in the right groin and a limp. Abduction and internal rotation of the hip were restricted on the affected side. There was no fever. Radiographs of the pelvis were normal. The most likely diagnosis is:

(a) Transient monoarticular synovitis

(b) Legg Calve Perthes disease

(c) Slipped capital femoral epiphyses

(d) Osteochondritis dissecans


Ans:- (a) Transient monoarticular synovitis


  1. A child is brought with history of ingestion of an unknown substance. On examination child has excess salivation, lacrimation, miosis, gastrointestinal cramps and emesis. What was the most likely substance ingested?


(a) Carbamates

(b) Phenothiazines

(c) Opioids

(d) Tricyclic antidepressants


Ans:- (a) Carbamates


  1. A term newborn presents with respiratory failure which is refractory to mechanical ventilation, surfactant replacement therapy, glucocorticoid administration and extra corporeal membrane oxygenation. The most likely diagnosis is:


(a) Surfactant Protein B deficiency

(b) Primary ciliary dyskinesia

(c) Persistent tachypnea of infancy

(d) Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis


Ans:- (a) Surfactant Protein B deficiency


  1. A child after snake bite develops petechiae and ecchymosis on the skin. In addition, child develops bleeding from venipuncture site and oliguria. The most likely snake species is:


(a) Pit viper

(b) Cobra

(c) Mamba

(d) Python


Ans:- (a) Pit viper


  1. A six year old boy presents with short neck, low hairline and restriction of neck movements. The child also has Sprengel anomaly, scoliosis, and fused cervical vertebrae. The most likely diagnosis is:

(a) Atlantoaxial instability

(b) Klippel Feil syndrome

(c) Noonan syndrome

(d) Sandifer syndrome


Ans:-  (b) Klippel Feil syndrome


  1. A 10 year old boy presents with recurrent bouts of nasal congestion, itching, sneezing, clear rhinorrhoea and conjunctival irritation. On examination he has conjunctival hyperaemia, allergic gape and a transverse nasal crease. Which of the following drugs is preferred for management of this child?

(a) Diphenhydramine

(b) Fluticasone

(c) Cetirizine

(d) Ipratropium bromide


Ans:-  (b) Fluticasone



  1. A two year old child presents with partial albinism and susceptibility to infection. Peripheral smear examination reveals giant peroxidise positive lysosomal granules in granulocytes. Which of the following is most likely diagnosis?


(a) Angelman Syndrome

(b) Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome

(c) Waardenburg Syndrome

(d) Chediak Higashi syndrome


Ans:- (d) Chediak Higashi syndrome


  1. A one year old child on exclusive milk feeds presents with constipation. On examination there is no fecal impaction. What is the next step in management?

(a) Oral lactulose

(b) Increasing intake of vegetables and cereals

(c) Colonic enemas using polyethylene glycol

(d) Milk of Magnesia


Ans:- (b) Increasing intake of vegetables and cereals


  1. A six year old boy presents with generalized seizure disorder and hypo pigmented skin lesions. On examination he has tiny red nodules over the nose and cheeks. The most likely diagnosis is:


(a) Tuberous sclerosis

(b) Sturge Weber disease

(c) PHACE Syndrome

(d) Neurofibromatosis


Ans:- (a) Tuberous sclerosis


  1. Which of the following can cause bilateral sensorineural hearing loss?


(a) Histiocytosis

(b) Cholesteatoma

(c) Loop diuretics

(d) Glomus tumors


Ans:-  (c) Loop diuretics


  1. The joint sitting of Parliament for transacting a legislative business is presided over by:


(a) The President of India

(b) The Vice President of India

(c) The Prime Minister of India

(d) The Speaker of Lok Sabha


Ans:-  (d) The Speaker of Lok Sabha


  1. Recently, a massive coral bleaching has been reported in the ‘Great Barrier Reef’. It is located near the coast of:

(a) Queensland

(b) Maldives

(c) Hawaii

(d) Andaman


Ans:- (a) Queensland


  1. Who is the first Law Officer of the Government of India?

(a) Chief Justice of India

(b) Attorney General of India

(c) Law Secretary

(d) Union Law Minister


Ans:-  (b) Attorney General of India


  1. In the context of Genetic Engineering, scientists have developed a new computational method called ‘Target Finder’ which can predict where non- coding DNA interacts with genes. Which of the following is a likely advantage of this?


(a) Artificial induction of beneficial mutations so as to develop high-yielding varieties

(b) Finding new drug targets to treat some genetic diseases

(c) Rapid cloning of domesticated animals

(d) All of these


Ans:- (b) Finding new drug targets to treat some genetic diseases


  1. Consider the following:
  2. Gold
  3. Platinum
  4. Silver

Which of the above is/are found in e-waste?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 3 only

(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) None


Ans:-  (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) None


  1. “Boil a small quantity of khoya with some water, cool and add a few drops of iodine solution and see the formation of blue colour”. This is the test to find the presence of which of the following?

(a) Fructose

(b) Gram flour

(c) Starch

(d) Urea


Ans:- (c) Starch


  1. Which of the following CANNOT be used as a biofertilizer in rice cultivation?

(a) Azolla

(b) Azospirillum

(c) Blue green algae

(d) Rhizobium


Ans:-  (d) Rhizobium


  1. Groundwater in many areas in West Bengal has been contaminated leading to a large number of cases of poisoning. What is the substance responsible for such cases?

(a) Arsenic

(b) Cyanide

(c) Polonium

(d) Lead


Ans:-  (a) Arsenic


  1. For acquiring ethanol for blending with petrol, the oil companies in India depend on:

(a) Cosmetic industry

(b) Food processing plants

(c) Fertilizer factories

(d) Sugar mills


Ans:-  (d) Sugar mills


  1. Consider the following statements:

Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services Act, 2016 aims to

  1. strengthen the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
  2. provide funds for the relief of farmers

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2


Ans:-  (d) Neither 1 nor 2