MPSC LECTURER IN ENGLISH Screening Test 2011 Question Paper

LECTURER IN ENGLISH Screenig Test 2011

  1. “Poetry is the spontaneous overfull feelings” has been commented by

(1) William Wordsworth

(2) Percy Shelley

(3) Byron

(4) Keats

  1. Milton rejected_________ and came to stand for all that was lofty, epic and severe in English tradition.

(1) Augustanism

(2) Realism

(3) Romanticism

(4) Naturalism

  1. The line “The things which I have seen now can see no more is from

(1) She was a Phantom of Delight

(2) Tintern Abbey

(3) Intimations of Immortality

(4) She Dwelt Among Untrodden Ways

  1. “heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard. Are sweeter, therefore ye pipes, pipes, play on’

These lines belong to

(1) Ode on a Grecian Urn

(2) Ode to Nightingale

(3) Tintern Abbey

(4) Daffodils

  1. The main character in ‘Paradise Lost’ is

(1) God

(2) Satan

(3) Adam

(4) Eve

  1. Browning’s My Last Duchess is

(1) a nature poem

(2) a lyric

(3) a striking ironic character-sketch with circumstantial details

(4) a ballad

  1. the theme of evocation of a dream-world is explicit in the following poem by Tennyson:

(1) the Lotus-Eaters

(2) The lady of Shalott

(3) Tithonus

(4) The palace of Art

  1. Metaphysical poetry is characteriesd by

(1) Nature theme

(2) Intellectual over emotional, marked by irony and paradox

(3) Philosophical view of world

(4) Romantic imagination

  1. Layrical Ballads was published in 1798 by

(1) Wordsworth and Shelley

(2) Wordsworth and Byron

(3) Wordsworth and Coleridge

(4) Keats and Byron

  1. Who invented the term ‘Sprung Rhythm’?

(1) Hopkins

(2) Tennyson

(3) Browing

(4) Wordsworth

  1. In “Leda and the Swan”, who woos Leda in guise of a swan?

(1) Mars

(2) Hercules

(3) Zeus

(4) Bacchus

  1. ‘Crow’ is a series of poems written in dark fabulist tradition of Eastern European poetry. It is written by

(1) Tony Morrison

(2) Ted Hughes

(3) Sylvia Plath

(4) T.S. Eliot

  1. “A Very Indian poem in Indian english” is written by

(1) Sarojini Naidu

(2) Nissim Ezekiel

(3) Kamala Das

(4) Hopkins

  1. W.B. Yeats was an Irish poet who founded

(1) Open Theatre

(2)Abbey Theatre

(3) Open Theatre

(4) Social theatre

  1. Sylvia Plath advanced the genre of_________ poetry.

(1) Confessional

(2) Romantic

(3) Lyrical

(4) Rational

  1. The epigraph og “The Waste Land” is borrowed from

(1) Virgil

(2) Seneca

(3) Homer

(4) Pelonius

  1. “The Nationalism and its Fragments: Colonial and Post-Colonial Histories” is written by.

(1) Shri Aurobindo

(2) Edward said

(3) Bernard Kohn

(4) Partha Chatterjee

  1. Following Indian words are incorporated in Oxford Dictionary:

(1) Curry, Guru, Bungalow

(2) Masti, Bai

(3) Burfi, Ustsav

(4) None of the above

  1. Who called “The Waste Land” as a music of ides’?

(1) Allen Tate

(2) I.A. Richards

(3) F.R. Leavis

(4) J.C. Ransom

  1. ________ is known for provocative poems, honest explorations of the self and female sexuality.

(1) kamala das

(2) Sarojini Naidu

(3) Arundhati Roy

(4) Nissim Ezekiel

  1. _________ received the Pulitzer Prize posthumously for the collected poems.

(1) Ted Hughes

(2) W.B. Yeats

(3) Sylvia Plath

(4) Nissim Ezekiel

  1. “To His Coy Mistress” is the most well-recognized________ poem in English by Andrew Marvell.

(1) short

(2) Carpe Diem

(3) lyric

(4) Sonnet

  1. ‘Metaphysical poets’ is a term coined by the poet and critic_________.

(1) T.S, Eliot

(2) Samuel Johnson

(3) F.R. Leavis

(4) Coleridge

  1. “Death Be not Proud” is a poem by the famous metaphysical poet.

(1) John Donne

(2) Andrew Marvell

(3) John Milton.

(4) Coleridge

  1. “paradise Lost” is written by john Milton and is

(1) an epic poem in blank verse

(2) a ballad

(3) an epic poem in free verse

(4) a lyric

  1. “Paradise Lost” was originally written in

(1) Ten books

(2) Eight Books

(3) Eleven books

(4) Nine Books

  1. The criticism on Wordsworth’s Poetry that has a palpable design upon us’ has been by

(1) Shelley

(2) Keats

(3) Byron

(4) Blake

  1. Shelley’s “Adonais” is an elegy on death of

(1) Milton

(2) Coleridge

(3) Southey

(4) Wordsworth

  1. The Small Scale unit should be in continuous production from last…………….. Year/years for eligibility under District Award Scheme.

(1) 1 Year

(2) 2 years

(3) 3 years

(4) 4 years.

  1. In MSE CDP Scheme, the grant eligible for the CFC. Having more than 50% micro units is…………………….

(1) 50%

(2) 70%

(3) 80%

(4) 90%.

  1. ……………………. as MSME is eligible for getting incentives under. PSI, 2013 in ‘D’ area of the State.

(1) Cold Storage

(2) Poultry

(3) Hotel

(4) Nursery.

  1. The Chairman of the State Level MAITRI is ……………………

(1) Principal Secretary (Inds.)

(2) Development Commissioner (Inds.)

(4)Additional Director of Inds.

(4) Superintending Industries Officer, (MAITRI).

  1. Write short notes on following.

(1) Export Promotion Councils of India

(2) National Small Inds. Corporation

(3) Tool Room

(4) CIEPT.

  1. Who of the following has correlated poverty with calories in India ?

(1) P.K. Bardhan

(2) Dr. Monteksingh Ahaluwalia

(3) Dandekar and Rath

(4) B.S. Mlnhas

  1. Choose correct option :

What does foreign capital include ?

(a) Direct foreign investment

(b) Foreign collaboration investment

(c) Inter-Government loans

(d) Loans from international institutions

(e) External commercial borrowings

Answer options :

(1) All of the above

(2) None of the above

(3) (a), (b) and (c)

(4) Only (d) and (c)

  1. Which of the following are considered as the latest principles of co-operation ?

(a) Voluntary and open membership

(b) Maximum profit

(c) Democratic management

(d) International co-operation

Answer options :

(1) (a) and (c)

(2) (a) and (b)

(3) (b) and (c)

(4) (b) and (d)

  1. Which Industrial Policy in India promoted small-scale industry as ancilliary to facilitate major industry ?

(1) Industrial Policy of 1991

(2) Industrial Policy of 1948

(3) Industrial Policy of 1956

(4) Industrial Policy of 1977

  1. In connection with emerging trends in era of globalization, which of the following statement/s is/are correct ?

(a) MNC’s have now a definite and unique role in the sustained economic development of India.

(b) Indian companies shares are being traded in European stock market,

Answer options :

(1) Only (a)

(2) Only (b)

(3) Both

(4) Neither

  1. Consider the following statements :

(a) The World Bank gives project oriented aid and program oriented aid.

(b) The International Development Agency was established in 1960.

(c) The International Development Agency gives interest free aid to the world’s poorest countries.

Which of the statement/s given above is/are correct ?

(1) Only (a)

(2) (a) and (4

(3) (a) and (b)

(4) All above

  1. Consider the following statements :

(a) The Interactional Co-operative Alliance adopted new principle cooperation amongst co-operation in 1966.

(b) The International Cooperative Alliance adopted new principle – Limited interest on capital in 1966.

(c) The International Co-operative Alliance adopted new principle duties for the community in 1995.

Which of the above statement/s is/are correct ?

(1) (a) and (c)

(2) (a) and (c)

(3) (b) and (c)

(4) All of the above

  1. Which of the following indicator is not used in the calculation of Human Development Index ?

(1) Literacy rate

(2) GDP per capita

(3) IMR

(4) Agricultural Productivity

  1. Consider the following statements :

(a) The Government appointed the committee on banking sector reforms under the Chairmanship of M. Narasimham.

(b) The committee submitted its report to the Government in April, 2000.

Which of the statement/s &/are correct ?

(1) MY (a)

(2) Only (b)

(3) (a) and (b)

(4) None of these

  1. What does Indira Awaas Yojana basically promotes ?

(1) Urban Housing

(2) Tribal Housing

(3) Rural Housing

(4) Rural and Urban Housing

  1. Which of the following states are leading in co-operative marketing ?

(1) hladhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Assam

(2) Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu

(3) Jammu.Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Assam

(4) Jharkhartd, EvIadhya Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh

  1. For the Industrial development of India, when the Industry (Development and Regulation) Act was incepted ?

(1) 1948

(2) 1951 (3) 1969

(4) 1973

  1. Consider the following statements :

(a) The Rajiv Gandhi Gramin L.P.G. Vitaran Yojana for small – size L.P.G. distribution agencies has been launched in 2009.

(b) The Government approved National Telecom Policy (NTP) in 2010.

(c) The Government in September 2012 approved the scheme for Finance Restructuring of state distribution companies.

Which of the statements given is/are incorrect ?

(1) Only (b)

(2) (a) and (b)

(3) Only (a)

(4) None of these

  1. Maharashtra Small Scale Industries Development Corporation (MSSIDC) functions in which of the following areas ?

(a) Long term finance for purchasing of land.

(b) To assist SSI for import and export.

(c) To arrange exhibitions.

(d) To finance for the purchasing of machinery and equipment,

Answer options :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (b) and (d)

(3) (b) and (d)

(4) All above

  1. Effective transport system is :

(a) Helpful in saving fuel.

(b) Helpful in saving time.

(c) Helpful in enhancing productivity.

(d) Helpful in enhancing economic growth.

Select correct options :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (c) and (d)

(4) All above

  1. With reference to road transport, which of the following statements is correct ?

(a) Road transport adds to air and noise pollution.

(b) Road transport has limited scope in India.

Answer options :

(1) Only (a)

(2) Only (b)

(3) Both

(4) Neither

  1. Consider the following statements :

In the context of employment assurance scheme – 1993 :

Statement (I) : For eradicating seasonal unemployment, unskilled physical labour employment is to be made available for 100 days in ma1 area.

Statement (11) : Creating future employability by creating permanent collective social and economic assets.

State :

(1) Statement (I) is correct, (II) incorrect

(2) Statement (II) is correct, (I) incorrect

(3) Both statements are correct

(4) Both statements are incorrect

  1. Consider the following statements :

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission has been launched on 31th December, 2005.

(b)Focus attention on integrated development of infrastructural services in the cities covered under the mission.

(c) Mission mode approach was adopted for implementation of Urban and Rural infrasbucture improvement programme.

Which of the statement/s given above is/are correct ?

(1) (a) and (c)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (a) and (b)

(4) only (b)

  1. Choose correct option :

Which of the following ultra – modem communication technology does not include ?

(a) Cellular Mobile Telephone Service

(b) Voicemail Service

(c) Pager Service

(d) Post and Telegram Service

(e) Newspaper

(f) Satellite Phone Service

(g) E-mail Service

Answer options :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (c) and (g)

(3) (d) and (e)

(4) None of the above

  1. Consider the following statements :

(a) The planning commission appointed the S.P. Gupta Special Group on Targeting ‘Ten Million Employment Opportunities in 2001. (b) Agriculture sector will provided about 80% of all jobs by the year 2011-12.

(c) The labour force is expected to increase by about 52 mlillion during the 11th plan.

Which of the statement/s given above is/are correct ?

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (a) and (c))

(3) (b) and (4

(4) only (b)

  1. Which of the following two statements is/are correct ?

(a) ‘The co-operative Act of 1904 was passed to encourage self-help and co-operation.

(b) The Act of 1904 is still the basis of co-operative legislation in India.

Answer options :

(1) Only (a)

(2) only (b)

(3) Both

(4) Neither

  1. Which one of the following statistical concept expresses the level of Industrial production in India ?

(1) Central Statistical Organization (CSO)

(2) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

(3) Index of Industrial Production (IIP)

(4) Price Index (PI)

  1. Which of the following are structural adjustments in the economy under economic reforms ?

(a) To reduce import – export restrictions

(b) To reduce fiscal deficit

(c) To invest in big cities only

(d) To open financial markets for foreign banks

Select correct options :

(1) All above

(2) (a), (b) and (c)

(3) (a), (b) and (d)

(4) (b), (c) and (d)

  1. which of the following are the problems faced by small-scale industries ?

(a) Out-dated technology

(b) Efficient management

(c) Lack of finance

(d) Lack of competition

Answer options :

(1) (b) and (d)

(2). (a) and (b)

(3) (c) and (d)

(4) (a) and (c)

  1. Among the following which is/are the challenge/s for Indian industry created due to globalisation ?

(a) Greater competition in product market.

(b) Pressure for improving technological capacity

Answer options :

(1) Only (a)

(2) Only (b)

(3) Both

(4) Neither

  1. Which monetary economist has given the following definition of money ?

“Value of money is its purchasing power over goods and services and can be known from relative price level”.

(1) Prof. Crowther

(2) D.H. Robertson

(3) Prof. Seligman

(4) J.M. Keynse

  1. Choose correct option :

Provisions in Employment Guarantee Act – 2004 of Government of India.

(a) Employment guarantee for 100 days in a year.

(b) Public work for employment generation.

(c) Minimum wages to working person.

Answer options :

(1) All the above are incorrect

(2) All the above are correct

(3) (a) and (b) are correct

(4) Only (c) is correct

  1. In which five year plan, the trinity – Social, Economic and Gender empowerment – of women’s empowerment was accepted ?

(1) Eighth Plan

(2) Ninth Plan

(3) Tenth Plan

(4) Eleventh Plan