MPSC LECTURER IN ENGLISH Screenig Test 2011 Question Paper


MPSC LECTURER IN ENGLISH Screenig Test 2011 Question Paper

  1. “Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” has been commented by

(1) William Wordsworth

(2) Percy Shelley

(3) Byron

(4) Keats

  1. Milton rejected___________ and came to stand for all that was lofty, epic and severe in English tradition.

(1) Augustanism

(2) Realism

(3) Romanticism

(4) Naturalism

  1. The line “The things which I have seen now can see no more is from.

(1) She was a Phantom of Delight

(2) Tintern Abbey

(3) Intimations of Immortality

(4) She Dwelt Among Untrodden Ways

4.”Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter, therefore ye soft pipes, play on.” These lines belong to

(1) Ode on a Grecian Urn

(2) Ode to Nightingale

(3) Tintern Abbey

(4) Daffodils

  1. The main character in ‘paradise Lost’ is

(1) God

(2) Satan

(3) Adam

(4) Eve

  1. Browning’s My Last Duchess is

(1) a nature poem

(2) a lyric

(3) a striking ironic character-sketch with circumstantial details

(4) a ballad

  1. The theme of evocation of a dream-world is explicit in the following poem by Tennyson:

(1) The Lotus-Eaters

(2) The Lady of Shalott

(3) Tithonus

(4) The Palace of Art

  1. Metaphysical poetry is characterized by

(1) Nature theme

(2) Intellectual over emotional, marked by irony and paradox

(3) Philosophical view of world

(4) Romantic imagination

  1. Lyrical Ballads was published in 1798 by

(1) Wordsworth and Shelley

(2) Wordsworth and Byron

(3) Wordsworth and Coleridge

(4) Keats and Byron

  1. Who invented the term ‘Sprung Rhythm’?

(1) Hopkins

(2) Tennyson

(3) Browning

(4) Wordsworth

  1. In “Leda and the Swan”, who woos Leda in guise of a swan?

(1) Mars

(2) Hercules

(3) Zeus

(4) Bacchus

  1. ‘Crow’ is a series of poems written in dark fabulist tradition of Eastern European poetry. It is written by

(1) Tony Morrison

(2) Ted Hughes

(3) Sylvia Plath

(4) T.S. Eliot

  1. “A Very Indian Poem in Indian English” is written by

(1) Sarojini Naidu

(2) Nissim Ezekiel

(3) Kamala Das

(4) Hopkins

  1. W.B. Yeats was an Irish poet who founded

(1) Street Theatre

(2) Abbey Theatre

(3) Open Theatre

(4) Social Theatre

  1. Sylvia Plath advanced the genre of__________ poetry.

(1) Confessional

(2) Romantic

(3) Lyrical

(4) Rational

  1. The epigraph of “The Waste land” is borrowed from

(1) Virgil

(2) Seneca

(3) Homer

(4) Pelonius

  1. “The Nationalism and its Fragments: Colonial and Post-Colonial Histories” is written by

(1) Shri Aurobindo

(2) Edward Said

(3) Bernard Kohn

(4) Partha Chatterjee

  1. Following Indian words are incorporated in Oxford Dictionary:

(1) Curry, Guru, Bungalow

(2) Masti, Bai

(3) Burfi, Utsav

(4) None of the above

  1. Who called “The Waste land” as music of ideas’?

(1) Allen Tate

(2) I.A. Richards

(3) F.R. Leavis

(4) J.C. Ransom

  1. ______ is known for provocative poems, honest explorations of the self and female sexuality.

(1) Kamala Das

(2) Sarojini Naidu

(3) Arundhati Roy

(4) Nissim Ezekiel

  1. ________ received the Pulitzer Prize posthumously for the collected poems.

(1) Ted Hughes

(2) W.B. Yeats

(3) Sylvia Plath

(4) Nissim Ezekiel

  1. “To His Coy Mistress” is the most well-recognized_________poem in English by Andrew Marvell.

(1) short

(2) Carpe Diem

(3) lyric

(4) sonnet

  1. ‘Metaphysical poets’ is a term coined by the poet and critic________.

(1) T.S. Eliot

(2) Samuel Johnson

(3) F.R. Leavis

(4) Coleridge

  1. “Death Be Not Proud” is a poem by the famous metaphysical poet.

(1) John Donne

(2) Andrew Marvell

(3) John Milton

(4) Coleridge

  1. “paradise Lost” is written by John Milton and is

(1) an epic poem in blank verse

(2) a ballad

(3) an epic poem in free verse

(4) a lyric

  1. “paradise Lost” was originally written in

(1) Ten Books

(2) Eight Books

(3) Eleven Books

(4) Nine Books

  1. The criticism on Wordsworth’s poetry ‘Poetry that has a palpable design upon us’ has been by

(1) Shelley

(2) Keats

(3) Byron

(4) Blake

  1. Shelley’s “Adonais” is an elegy on the death of

(1) Milton

(2) Coleridge

(3) Keats

(4) Johnson

  1. Which of the following poets does not belong to the ‘Lake School’?

(1) Keats

(2) Coleridge

(3) Southey

(4) Wordsworth

  1. “Canterbury Tales” was written by

(1) Thomas Lancaster

(2) King Richard II

(3) Dick Wittington

(4) Geoffrey Chaucer

  1. Which of the poems by Ezekiel describes the characteristics of a mother who is happy to have faced the danger and not faced by her child?

(1) “The egoist’s prayer”

(2) “Night of the Scorpion”

(3) “background Casually”

(4) None of the above

  1. what was most frequently considered a source of pleasure and an object of inquiry by Augustan poets?

(1) Civilization

(2) Woman

(3) God

(4) Nature

  1. Metaphysical poets were influenced by

(1) Neo Classicism

(2) Neo Platonism

(3) New Historicism

(4) None of the above

  1. Which metrical form was Alexander Pope said to have brought to perfection?

(1) Blank verse

(2) The heroic couplet

(3) Free verse

(4) The ode

  1. Between 1660 to 1700, the poet and critic who brought modern literature to England was

(1) Dryden

(2) Bunyan

(3) Addison

(4) Crabbe

  1. Which work exposes the frivolity of fashionable London?

(1) Defoe’s “Robinson Crusoe”

(2) Richardson’s “Clarissa”

(3) Pope’s “the rape of the Lock”

(4) Swift’s “Gulliver’s travels”

  1. Which one of the following poets is not a metaphysical poet?

(1) Andrew Marvell

(2) George Herbert

(3) Robert Herrick

(4) Thomas Traherne

  1. Which Romantic poet asserted in theory and practice the value of representing rustic life and language as well social outcasts as the major sunject for poetry?

(1) The Victorians were influenced by the Romantics

(2) Victorians and Romantics were same

(3) Romantics were seen as gifted

(4) Romantics remained largely forgotten

  1. The collection of poems making statements on spiritual and artistic rebirth by W.B. Yeats is.

(1) “Byzantium”

(2) “A Prayer For My daughter”

(3) “the Waste Land”

(4) “Crow”

  1. In the 1930s, younger writers like W.H. Auden were more_________ but less ________ than elder modernists like Eliot and Pound.

(1) popular, reverenced

(2) spiritual, orthodox

(3) brash, confident

(4) radical, inventive

  1. Which poet could be describe as part of “the movement” of 1950s?

(1) Dylan Thomas

(2) Pablo Picasso

(3) Phillip Larkin

(4) All of the above

  1. The publication of masterpieces is associated with the_______ in English literature.

(1) Insignificance

(2) Renaissance

(3) Elizabethan Age

(4) Neo-Classicism

  1. According to Theatre Licensing Act, repealed in 1843, what was by ‘legitimate’ drama?

(1) Dramaturg and playwright had to be related

(2) All of the actors were male

(3) The play was spoken

(4) All the actors were British

  1. Following was the dictum in the Renaissance in terms of art in Italy:

(1) Art for art’s sake

(2) Beauty is truth, truth beauty

(3) Art for society sake

(4) None of the above

  1. Which ruler’s reign marks the approximate beginning and end of the Victorian Era?

(1) King Henry VIII

(2) Queen Elizabeth

(3) Queen Victoria

(4) King John

  1. Which of the following comic playwrights made fun of Victorian values and pretensions?

(1) Oscar Wilde

(2) George B. Shaw

(3) W.S. Gilber

(4) All of the above

  1. ‘Death has a hundred hands and walks by a thousand ways’

The above lines in” Murder in the Cathedral” are uttered by

(1) Thomas

(2) Tempters

(3) Chorus

(4) Priests

  1. Which of the following was originally the Irish Literary Theatre?

(1) The Globe Theatre

(2) The Abbey Theatre

(3) The independent Theatre

(4) None of the above

  1. What did T.S Eliot attempt to combine in his plays “Murder in the Cathedral” and “the Cocktail Party”?

(1) Regional dialect and political critique

(2) Religious symbolism and social comedy

(3) Witty paradox and feminist diatribe

(4) All of the above

  1. Sexual jealousy is a theme in Shakespeare’s

(1) “the Merchant of venice”

(2) “The Tempest”

(3) “Othello”

(4) “King Lear”

  1. Samuel Beckett’s “Waitting for Godot” is an example of

(1) Absurdist theatre

(2) Realist theatre

(3) naturalist theatre

(4) Neo-Classicism

  1. Who christened Donne and his followers “The Metaphysical poets”?

(1) Andrew Marvell

(2) George Herbert

(3) Dr. Johnson

(4) John Keats

  1. Arthur Miller was deeply influenced by ‘Problem Plays’ of

(1) Shaw

(2) Ibsen

(3) Shakespeare

(4) Pinter

  1. The term ‘Stoppardian’ was used to describe works of drama

(1) using wit and comedy while addressing philosophical concepts

(2) of black comedy

(3) realistic in nature

(4) None of the above

  1. In what decade did the “angry young men” come to prominence on the theatrical scene?

(1) 1910s

(2) 1930s

(3) 1950s

(4) 1990s

  1. The term “Theatre of Cruelty” was coined by

(1) Robert Brustein

(2) Antonin Artaud

(3) Augusto Boal

(4) Luigi Pirandello

  1. Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” has a hero who is Characterized by

(1) ambition

(2) confusion and internal conflict

(3) lust for power

(4) None of the above

  1. The audience learns about Hamlet’s motives and thoughts through

(1) soliloquies

(2) actions

(3) other characters

(4) none of the above

  1. In the plays “the Alchemist” and “volpone”, Ben Jonson

(1)  follows the dramatic unity of time

(2) uses characters of romantic comedy

(3) gives a serious message

(4) None of the above

  1. “Volpone” is a ________ by Ben Jonson.

(1) Romantic Comedy

(2) Comedy of Manners

(3) Jacobean Comedy

(4) Tragedy