History & Political Science Important Questions for Maharashtra 12th/HSC Board Exam 2019

History & Political Science Important Questions for Maharashtra 12th/HSC Board Exam 2019

  1. Explain the nature of Traditional Imperialism.
  2. What were the objectives of the League of Nations?
  3. Give information about the ‘International Court’.
  4. Which programmes were undertaken by the revolutionaries for the achievement of independence?
  5. The discovery of interior part of Africa did not take place, why?
  6. Why did European countries increase weapons and Ammunities?
  7. Write the advantages of artificial satellite.
  8. Which courageous European travelers brought to light the interior of Africa?
  9. Describe Weimer Republic.
  10. Write the background of Benito Mussolini before the entered into politics.
  11. Write the revolutionary activities of India during its freedom struggle.
  12. How did the imperialist nations establish their economic domination over China?
  13. Explain the term aggressive nationalism.
  14. What do you mean by Economic Imperialism?
  15. Why was Japan called a hermit (recluse) nation?
  16. How was the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party established in the year 1898?
  17. Explain the meaning of Globalization.
  18. Why did League of Nations fail?