Maharashtra public Service Commission Tax Assistant Examination Syllabus
Tax Assistant, Grade:- C (Preliminary) Exam
- Preliminary exam- 100
- Main exam- 400
Exam plan:-
- Question paper – 1
- Mark- 100
Subject: Marathi, English, General knowledge, General Intelligent, Math.
- Qualification: 12th, Degree, 10th.
- No of question: 100
- Mark: 100
- Time: 1 hour
- Type of question: Multiple Choices.
Courses: –
Marathi: – Grammar, Easy make sentence,
English:- Spelling, Grammar, Make Sentence, etc.
General Knowledge:– Current affairs, Religion, literature, etc.
Tax Assistant, Grade:- C (Main) Examination
Examination Plan
- No of question Paper: 1
- The Total Mark: 400
Subject:- Marathi, English, General knowledge, General Intelligent,
Basic Math Skill, Book-Keeping & Accountancy.
- Degree:- 12th, Degree, 10th
- Medium:- Marathi, English
- No of Question:- 200
- Mark:- 400
- Time: – 2 hour
- Type of question:- Multiple choice.
Marathi, English, General Knowledge, Modern India In particular: History of Maharashtra.
Indian Constitution, Citizenship, Geography of Maharashtra.
- Book-Keeping & Accountancy:- Bookkeeping meaning & definition, Accounting terminology, Fundamentals of Double Entry, Source documents for accounting, Journal, Subsidiary Books, Ledger, Bank Reconciliation Statements, Trial Balance, Depreciation, Final Accounts, Preparing Financial Statements, Accounts of non-profit-making organizations.
- Basic Math Skill: Basic Numeracy/Numerical Skill- numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc. (Class X level).