Latest Off Campus Jobs For 2021 Batch
2021 Batch Off Campus Drives: Get Latest Off Campus Drives in IT Industry for the Batch of 2021 Pass-out. IT (Information Technology) Industry is the fastest growing industry in recent years and the industry gonna grow beyond our imagination in the near future. IT (Information Technology) is one great field in which candidates are getting more and more interested day by day and so the companies have now a sea of candidates to choose from and candidates too have a great amount of options to choose from when companies are considered. Freshers are considered as an asset for any Multi National Company (MNC) as they’re the most hardworking section when it comes to handling tasks. But not a single MNC can be run by only freshers candidates, they also need a lot of Experienced candidates to lead their freshers team in various department’s various projects. All the representatives of the Multi National Companies (MNC) decided to conduct the Off Campus Drives 2021 for Graduated or Post Graduated candidates of 2021 pass-out batch. Creating a new employment is critical, and it is especially significant in the IT industry. The Off Campus Drives 2021 shortens the time it takes for a company to find qualified candidates that match their requirements. It is apparent that a large number of people are looking for Off Campus Jobs for 2021 pass-out batch in 2022. We have created this Off Campus Drive Page so that candidates of 2021 pass-out batch who are looking for their Dream Jobs in today’s huge IT Industry, they can find that in one place without any hustle.
Eligibility criteria:
Eligibility criteria varies from company to company and therefore we have collected a sum data of degrees a candidate at least posses in order to secure a job. Degrees include BE, B.Tech, B.Sc, BCA, BBA, B.Com, ME, M.Tech, M.Sc, MCA, MBA, M.Com any degree or post graduation in your respective field.
Latest Off Campus Drives / Jobs for 2021 Pass-out Batch:
A list of Off Campus Drive for 2021 Pass-out Batch across India (Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Nashik, etc.) are mentioned below for all the candidates who are looking for IT Jobs for 2021 Pass-out Batch—
This article contains all the data regarding IT jobs offered for the sessional year 2022 for all the freshers as well as experienced candidates looking for good jobs in IT sector to make an amazing career and make fruitful choices in their lives. Kindly go through all the details mentioned in this article to avail the best information and all the content you need to apply successfully.
We as a group of highly experienced people would suggest you to read before sitting in their interviews and applying as it is beneficial for both you as well as the company in order to create a good working environment.
♦ Important Links (महत्वाच्या लिंक्स) ♦
〉 Government Jobs.
〉 Private Jobs.
〉 सर्व परीक्षांच्या सराव प्रश्नपत्रिका (Question Papers).
〉 परीक्षेचे निकाल (Results).
〉 परीक्षा प्रवेशपत्र (Hall Tickets).
〉 MPSC भरती.
〉 Bank Jobs.
〉 Mega Bharti 2023.
〉 Current Affairs ((चालू घडामोडी).
〉 रोजगार मेळावा (Jobs Fairs).
♦जिल्हा नुसार जाहिराती ♦ |
अहमदनगर | अकोला | अमरावती | औरंगाबाद | भंडारा | बुलढाणा |
चंद्रपुर | धुले | गढ़चिरौली | गोंदिया | हिंगोली | जलगांव |
जालना | कोल्हापुर | लातूर | मुंबई | नागपुर | नांदेड़ |
नंदुरबार | नाशिक | उस्मानाबाद | पालघर | परभानी | पुणे |
रायगढ़ | रत्नागिरि | सांगली | सातारा | सिंधुदुर्ग | सोलापुर |
ठाणे | वर्धा | वाशिम | यवतमाल | बीड |
♦शिक्षणानुसार जाहिराती ♦ |
७ वी (7th) | दहावी (SSC) | बारावी (HSC) | डिप्लोमा | आय.टी.आय | पदवी |
पदव्युत्तर शिक्षण | बी.एड | एम.एड | एल.एल.बी / एल.एल.एम | बीएससी | एमबीए |
बीसीए | एमसीए | बी.कॉम | एम.कॉम | GNM/ANM | एमएससी |
बी.फार्म | एम.फार्म | बी.ई | एम.ई | BAMS/BHMS | एम.बी.बी.एस / एम.डी |
बी.टेक | एम.टेक | MS-CIT |